domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010


The whole second day of the three of us passed by, we were starting to get bored again. The crow was much less active than what we expected it to be. It would just stand in the middle of the hall looking up most of the day with its non expressive side face. We both agreed about the way it seemed never to look ahead. We fed it with some kind of black seeds I got from a naturist next door. I wasn’t sure when it was that it ate or if it liked them or not, but I supposed it didn’t because of the almost always empty sad plate.
We spoke about Bendiks. Bendiks was the crow of the fat man that owned a grocery store across the corner of the apartament we were staying. Almost every each time that we went there for something or we just passed by, Bendiks would salute us by saying intrj and blakus. If it didn’t, I guess it was because it was mentally missing somewhere chatting with lots of crows and none fat man. Or maybe it liked the fat man and was just distracted by any other thing I can’t help to imagine or maybe I do. Of course, we wanted Anthony to be that polite, at least with us.
We would see if we could find an easy word for it so that we would repeat and repeat till it finally and suddenly, from nowhere, pronounce it surprising us I guess, making us feel excited again about something.
He was already having his after lunch concentrated coffee and I was slowly eating an apple and writing down the words that came up to my mind that would be funny to hear from Anthony, when we realized about them outside. The crows outside seemed to go all in direction close to our building.
We went to the terrace to see clearly what was happening there. I have never imagined such a thing. I saw once, in discovery or some other nature channel, shootings of what you could describe as clouds moving, gorgeously moving, of birds flying. Just like this cloud was doing right in front of us and the birds representing it all without knowing. Was the first time we saw that enormous amount of crows all together.
When they were already scattering we went our way down step by step of the one floor that separated our place from the terrace and when we get to our door I told him I was going out for a walk and continue descending step by step the other three floors and then the door and then the street, till I go round the corner cross the street respond hi to our friend the fat man or was it his crow that said intrj, I didn’t care I felt removed from my previous state to this I couldn’t help how touched I was by the beauty of the cloud if I can call it a cloud but I don’t how to call it, they were crows.

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